Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Challenge #50 - Some Color Inspiration

It's Sassy time again!   This time we have a picture for a bit of inspiration...

Just a bit of housekeeping, before we get to challenge details. Sometimes the Sassy Gals get entries that don't include a Sassy Cheryl image, and in that case, so sadly we have to omit them. We sure hate when that happens.. and we really would love to include everyone so, please, please use a Sassy Cheryl image.

Now, let's see who our lucky winner is for this week...

...it's our sassy friend, Shirley.   Super congratulations to you Shirley! Just email Sassy Cheryl  to arrange for your gift certificate. Happy shopping at Sassy Cheryl's shop. We're sure we will see you in lots more challenges showing us the great digis that you picked.  Enjoy!

This week our challenge is about this color inspiration... Peggy gets to hostess and she picked this colorful bedspread.

Wouldn't you love to cuddle up with a good book and a spot of tea (or glass of wine) and relax your day away?  Using this, here's what Peggy and the Sassy gals have created...

Isn't it great how we all interpret a photo differently...?? There's so much latitude with this colorful picture. So do with it as you wish, Sassy friend.

So come and get Sassy with us!  Just use the photo as your inspiration and use an image from Sassy Cheryl's shop.  Post to your online gallery or blog, then link back here with Mr. Linky.  Next week we'll select one lucky person to win a $5 gift certificate to Sassy Cheryl's shop.  The Sassy gals will visit to say hello. See you then, Sassy friends!


  1. Shirley HUGE congrats to you honey!!

    Great cards again girls!xx

  2. Super cards, yet again ladies! Shirley. Congrats. I know you. . . ! :)
    I'll get the GT right out to you.

  3. Oh Ladies, I love this color scheme. It opens up all kinds of color combinations. Your cards are as always totally amazing. Thanks, I'm so excited about winning.

  4. Great challenge and beautiful DT cards. Lots of lovely colours in the photo, but I didn't use them all....my card has a 'little guy' theme.
    Joyce xx

  5. gorgeous cards!!!! compliments!!
    xx petra

  6. Love the colors in this challenge. Sassy Girls, you did it again! Great inspiration in those cards.

  7. Thanks for playing in the challenge this week ladies. Some fantastic cards, yet again!!!!

  8. Very nice cards and they really look very beautiful also considering the fact that they are recreations of something wasted.
